HomeTechFor the PlanetProtect the deep sea by joining a global day of action

Protect the deep sea by joining a global day of action

All around the world, Greenpeace volunteers and concerned citizens will say NO to deep sea mining on Saturday 3 June. This global day of action comes just a few weeks before governments meet again at the International Seabed Authority in Jamaica to decide whether to allow or not this highly destructive industry.

Where to take action?

You can be part of this! Check the events on the map below (click on the icon to get the info about time and location) to take action to call on governments to stop deep sea mining before it starts:

Why action is needed NOW!

What if we could go back in time and stop offshore drilling at the dawn of the oil age? We could prevent the ongoing climate crisis, as well as countless oil spills and leaks. Today, we have a once in a generation opportunity: to stop another extractive industry, deep sea mining, from damaging the global oceans the way the fossil fuel companies have done to the climate.

As you probably heard, despite the growing pressure and the global mobilization, governments haven’t yet reached an agreement to protect the oceans from deep sea mining. The door has been left open for the industry to start plundering the seabed this year. It is unacceptable.

We want to stop this industry now, so that it never starts – protecting the largest ecosystem on the planet, facing down one of the latest forms of neocolonialism, and challenging a greedy industry trying to legitimize its activity through greenwash. Destroying the oceans is never a good way to save the planet.

If we don’t act now, the wondrous deep sea species we’re only beginning to understand could be lost forever; carbon sinks and storage could be disturbed; and Pacific people’s way of life could be seriously impacted because they have an intrinsic connection to the ocean, spiritual and cultural. So join an event if you can to make the wave of mobilization even bigger, and/or watch and share this video with your friends.

World Oceans Day is also approaching on 8 June. It is a good time to take a stand for marine ecosystems ! We just won a historic Global Ocean Treaty, so let’s use this momentum going into deep sea mining negotiations to push more governments to come out against deep sea mining and hold world leaders accountable to deliver ocean protection.

Maud Oyonarte is the global digital lead for the Greenpeace International Stop Deep Sea Mining campaign, based in Paris, France

Deep Sea Mining graphic

Stop Deep Sea Mining

We need a global moratorium to stop the launch of this destructive new extractive industry. Join the Campaign now.

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