HomeTaleBdsmThe Gynaecologists Chair bondage

The Gynaecologists Chair bondage

Juliette knew that she would go snooping. Sharon was nosy, she liked to know other people’s business. Not that she was a gossip, because she could be trusted with secrets, it was just that she liked to pry, as if knowing everybody else’s secrets gave her superiority. And that is why she left the key in the door of her and Mark’s playroom that day. It was when she took a phone call that Sharon mouthed silently as she gestured with her finger pointing upwards, indicating she was off to the bathroom. Juliette took her time with the call. When Sharon returned ten minutes later, the look on her face told her that she had been in the room. She couldn’t resist it. “Hope you haven’t been into our playroom?” she said with a smile.

“N… no… no, of course I haven’t,” she replied.

Another thing about Sharon was that she could not keep a lie going when she got found out. “Okay, I did go in. I couldn’t resist it.”

“You only had to ask. I would have shown you around.”

“I did, a few weeks ago,” she responded. “You said it was private.”

Juliette remembered, Sharon must have tried the door and found it locked. “Well yes, we were making some changes to it.”

Sharon fell silent. “Well, aren’t you going to ask then?” said Juliette.

She smiled. “Okay then, so what’s with the gynaecologist chair?”

“So, you have seen them before then?”

Sharon shook her head. “I’ve seen a proper gynaecologist chair,” she answered. “I was in one last week, but it never had straps to hold you down.”

“Oh, do tell.”

She shook her head. “It’s… it’s something and nothing.”

“You are okay, aren’t you?” Juliette asked with concern.

She shook her head once again. “It’s nothing like that. It’s just that Dave and I have been trying for a baby now for ages and nothing seems to happen.”

Juliette joined her on the settee and gave her a hug. “These things can take a while sometimes,” she told her.

“I know. That’s what mum says, I seem to be okay but Dave… well, he won’t go for tests.”

“Yes, men always shy away from that sort of thing,” Juliette comforted. “Anyway, let me show you round the room.”

A few minutes later they were in the room. Apart from the gynaecologist chair there were a couple of seats and a long empty table. “It’s not fully furnished yet. Mark got the chair off eBay, and we are waiting for a set of cubicle curtains to give it that hospital effect. They should be here tomorrow.”

“Oooooh… doctors and nurses, hey?” Sharon said.

Juliette smiled. “Something like that.”

“You and Mark lead quite a kinky life.”

She nodded. “Well, it’s not just us. There’s a few of us.”

“Oooooh… anyone I know?”

You want a date with me

Juliette laughed. “Maybe… maybe not.”

“Keeping names, a secret hey?”

“Well, if you were a member of our group you wouldn’t like it if your identity was exposed, would you?”

She shook her head. “I won’t tell.”

She laughed again.

“And how does one become part of the group?”

“It’s by invite. A person is proposed by a member, and we all discuss it. If we all agree then they are invited.”

“I see,” Sharon responded. “And if someone objects?”

“They don’t get invited.”

Sharon remained silent as she stared down at the chair. “So, what happens in the chair then?”

“Why don’t you take a seat?”

Sharon quickly stepped up into the chair and sat back. She wore faded denim jeans and a thin woollen pullover. Juliette took one leg and rested it on a stirrup and then did the same with the other leg. “Of course, you would be naked at the time,” Juliette told her as she began strapping her legs down. There were straps for the thighs and for the calves. There were also leather cuffs fixed to a bar with the headrest and Juliette cuffed Sharon’s wrists to them.

Juliette stepped back looking at her while she took in her vulnerable situation. “Can you imagine how exposed and vulnerable you would be Sharon?”

She turned and smiled at her. “Yes,” she answered softly.

“And can you imagine a group of guys standing around looking at you?”

Sharon swallowed. “They… they wouldn’t touch me would they?”

Juliette laughed loudly. “What the fuck do you think they are going to do, Sharon?”

Sharon laughed. “Yes, I suppose it was a stupid question. Have… have you been in this position?”

Juliette stepped closer. “I was strapped down just like you are now, but naked. I was also blindfolded. There were six of them.”


“They fucked me for almost two hours. They gave me a couple of rest breaks and drinks, in between. They also used toys on me… vibrators and a wand. Every hole in my body was penetrated and used.”

“Bloody hell, Juliette!”

“I lost count of the orgasms. There were times when I was close to fainting. I slept for almost twenty-four hours afterwards, but fuck… it was the best night of my life!”

Sharon was silent.

“So, Sharon. Just say the word and I will propose you,” Juliette told her. “I can assure you that if it is Dave who has the problem, it will be exposed that night.”

“Fucking hell!”

“One member of our group came off the pill for her night… “

“She got pregnant?”

Juliette laughed again. “Six guys… all going round at least twice, with some having three or four goes at her!”

“Fucking hell!” she said again.

“No, she said it was fucking heaven!”

Sharon laughed as Juliette began to unfasten her cuffs. “So, as I said… just say the word!”

They went back downstairs and had coffee. Sharon was quiet, which was unusual for her. She could talk for hours but she seemed preoccupied. “The guys… are they local?” she asked after a while.

Juliette shrugged. “No idea,” she answered. “Mine took place out of the area and the couple’s house where it took place organised them. Their accents didn’t seem local, but I detected two African American accents; one possibly Arab and one from Scotland. The other two were definitely English – they were Cockneys.”

“African Americans?”

Juliette nodded. “They were quite big too!”

Sharon smiled.

“But it might not be the same guys. Another girl in our group thought that her guys were local.”

“Bloody hell. They might have known her.”

“Well, they did get to know her biblically, that’s for sure.”

Sharon laughed. “If it could be guaranteed that they were from out of town and all… well, white guys. I might be inclined to ask to join.”

Juliette laughed. “Sorry, but that’s the beauty of it, not knowing. Towards the end I got to match cocks with voices, body smells, the way they fucked and all that, but other than that, I had no idea. It made it even more exciting.”

“Was Mark there?”

Juliette nodded. “And there was a couple of group members there too. They chose the men for the job,” she said with a smile. “She told me that she specifically checked them out for size!”

Sharon laughed. “Who would be choosing the guys for me?”

“The couple who are housing the event choose the participants.”

“So, if it was being held here… “

“It is being held here,” Juliette cut in. “And I will be choosing the guys.”

Sharon’s jaw dropped. “Would you guarantee… ?”

“I guarantee nothing, Sharon,” she cut in. “They would be my choice and my choice alone!”

Sharon looked at her watch. “I had better go,” she said. “Got to get something in for dinner tonight.”

Juliette smiled. She sensed that Sharon was hooked, and it was just a case of patiently reeling her in.


Sharon phoned her three nights later. Dave was out playing golf. “I’ve been thinking about the other day,” she said quietly.

“You would like to join then?” Juliette asked, giving the thumbs up to Mark. He smiled and left her alone to talk.

“Yes… but can you guarantee that they… ?”

“I’m sorry Sharon but I can’t,” she told her. “Surprisingly, it’s not easy to get a group of guys together to fuck in front of each other. Some guys get dick conscious. Besides that, we must make sure that they are just there to fuck and have a good time. We don’t want any psychos!”

“Of course,” she responded.

“I will do my best for you in my selection. I can spot druggies a mile off, so you won’t be getting any of those, and I will choose guys who look fit, possibly workout in the gym. Guys who can speak in words of more than syllable too, and guys who are… well… have dicks eight inches or more.”

Sharon laughed. “The bigger the better for me!”

“You greedy girl!”

More laughter followed. “So, you want me to put you forward then?” Juliette asked after a pause.

“Yes,” she answered. “When will it happen?”

“It will take a few weeks to organise, why?”

“Dave is going away for a golf weekend in four weeks. Somewhere called Lytham.”

“Lytham St Annes,” Juliette corrected. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks,” Sharon said.

“Now you are sure Sharon, aren’t you?” she asked. “You’re not going to get cold feet on the night, are you? You will be putting a lot of people out.”

“No. No, I’m sure Juliette. I really want this,” she confirmed. “I… I’ve always fancied the idea of a gang bang. Nearly got into one when I was eighteen but chickened out. Regretted it ever since.”

“It was my first time too,” Juliette told her. “Almost got into a threesome when I was at college, but I chickened out as well. Wish I hadn’t now.”

Sharon laughed. “Mine was four guys in Ibiza. They chatted me up in a disco and invited me back to their villa, but I turned them down. An hour later I saw them walking away with another girl. I was furious with myself.”

Juliette laughed. “Ah well, we will put that right in a few weeks’ time,” she responded.

Talk live with Juliette

“Who else will be there, apart from the six guys?”

“Well, Mark and I will be here, for sure. Maybe another member of the group, just to oversee things with us.”

“Will Mark be taking part?”

“He will be in the room with me, yes. Why?”

“I will feel a bit awkward, knowing him and having him watch.”

Juliette giggled. “Well for all you know, one or more of the six might know you.”

Sharon’s giggling could be heard. “Knowing you, you would probably have guys that know me?”

“Well, who knows,” Juliette responded with a giggle. “Might even rope your next-door neighbours in!”

Sharan screamed out. “God no!”

Juliette laughed and wickedly considered the fun of getting someone local.

“By the way, this won’t be filmed will it?”

“No.” Juliette said adamantly. “Filming and photography are not allowed.”

Sharon sounded pleased about that.


Sharon called Juliette again a few nights later for a chat but Juliette knew that she was really after an update. She had already been busy though. The night Sharon had phoned, Juliette had phoned Shona, the girl whose home she stayed at, and who had organised her night. She gave her Sharon’s details to circulate to the others. She had also asked her for suggestions for guys to participate. Shona had suggested the same guys who took care of her.

Juliette discussed it with Mark. He thought it a good idea. “After all, they did a good job on you, didn’t they?” he had told her.

She smiled. They certainly had done a good job on her, and the memories of that night still fuelled many masturbation sessions for her and, no doubt, Mark. He had been by her side for most of the time and looked on as cock after cock penetrated her and filled her with cum. During breaks, he had also gently cleaned and soothed her swollen, reddened labia with ice-cold face flannels.

Juliette did consider Sharon’s wishes but there was not enough time to source local guys who were suitable. So, she told Shona to go ahead and try and get them. Sharon was pleased to hear that things were being arranged for the weekend Dave was away. Juliette sounded her out on the race of the guys who would be fucking her. “If we can’t get the right ones would any guy who fitted our criteria, given our time restraints, do?”

Sharon considered it for a few moments before saying yes. “I’ll just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best,” she had said.

Juliette laughed. “You should be keeping your legs crossed Sharon,” she quipped.

She saw the funny side. “Bit difficult when strapped down in stirrups!” she responded with laughter. “Did you get the cubicle curtains?”

“Yes. We’ve just about finished the room now. All kitted out… looks like a proper hospital consulting room.”

“Oooooh, can I come over and see sometime?”

Juliette thought about it for a few moments. “Tell you what, why don’t you come over for consultation?”


“Yes,” Juliette responded. “Let’s do some role-play. You are coming for a fertility examination prior to your treatment… coming to see Doctor Mark and Nurse Juliette.”

“Oooooh, Dr Mark and Nurse Juliette, hey. I like the sound of that,” Sharon responded. “And what would that entail?”

“Come over and find out.”

“When now?”

“Bit late tonight,” Juliette told her. “What night is best for you?”

“During the day on Saturday would be good. Dave’s club has got a golf competition on that day.”

“That should be good for us too. Say, 10:30 a.m.?”

“Mmmmm, sounds good to me. How long will it take?”

“Depends on what doctor finds?”

“Bloody hell, Juliette, you’re getting me wet already.”

She laughed.

“Mark won’t… will he?”

“Won’t what?”

“You know… fuck me?”

“Well, he’s the doctor… it all depends on the medicine he recommends.”

Sharon fell silent for a few moments. “You don’t mind him… you know?”

“You can say the words fucking me, Sharon,” Juliette told her. “When Mark and I role-play, we do it properly.”

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