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Keeping it real

Whenever I find myself balls deep in a fresh young lady, the question arises, “Is it real or is it a dream”?

“Live in the moment”. I try to follow this principle, as I find it to be a guiding light. But when I am bareback stroking an eager and energetic twenty year old hard body, it is too much sensory information for my tiny brain to process, and the experience seems a bit unreal.

painting of pure sexual pleasure

Her breasts are firm and perky, more up than down, even when she is lying flat on her back. Her skin is flawless. Cream colored, with nary a freckle or blemish to be found anywhere. I don’t understand how anyone can have such perfect skin.

I lie on top of her, reach under, and grab her shapely ass with both hands. Her legs are raised, wrapped around my hips, and her ankles are locked together. Her breathing is increasing and she is starting to make panting sounds. In a few more seconds she will be coming. Her pussy automatically tightens its grip on my cock. Now she is riding the wave. It is pushing her forward relentlessly until it crashes over her. As her orgasm subsides, she enjoys the afterglow. Her pussy twitches involuntarily, quick pulsations of squeeze and relax. We both feel it. This is her body’s wordless way of saying “Thanks for a job well done.”

In this situation, I must repeatedly remind myself; it is real. I am here, in the moment. I give thanks for my good fortune.

When I have a Black Angus rib eye steak for dinner, the memory is still clear the next day. I can remember the texture as I chew it. The simple but effective salt and pepper seasoning. I can remember the smoky smell, the meaty taste, the heat rising from the plate. The feeling as I swallow each bite. All well remembered.

Sex is different. Just thirty seconds after I cum inside the young lady, I try to remember exactly how it felt, and I cannot. The feeling is so good that memory cannot properly record it. This imperfect and incomplete memory of the sexual experience contributes to the unreal feeling.

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Perhaps this is an evolutionary adaptation. If men could replay each former orgasm in exquisite detail in their head, there would be no need to spend our time and money in pursuit of sex. Just pick a fond memory and replay it in your head. If this were possible, the world population would surely be in danger of decline. In contrast, evolution does not object to people having a clear memory of last night’s dinner, because it motivates us to get up and get more food.

When I hit my thumb with a hammer, it is easy to believe that the experience is real. It is impossible to believe otherwise. Pain is surely real. Especially so when the pain does not make an appointment, and arrives unexpectedly. Pleasure is a welcome guest that departs too soon. Why is this so? Perhaps again it is evolution at work. Pain is connected to the survival instinct. Pleasure is not required in order to merely survive.

Sometimes with a lady friend, while we are having sex, I will grab her ass and squeeze hard, until it becomes slightly painful to her. And she likes it. I do this when she is coming, and it elevates her experience. The pain and pleasure seem to complement each other, like beer and bratwurst. Perhaps the pain puts her more in the present, in the moment. I have never tried spanking a lady on her bare bottom during sex, but perhaps some would enjoy that as well.

Back in 2008, there was a champion UFC fighter named Forrest Griffin. He said that when he was in the ring, facing his opponent, he looked forward to getting punched in the face. According to him, the first blow to his face helped him to focus his attention on the fight. That’s one way to live in the present. I prefer a less violent approach.

To sum it up, I will continue having sex with women, over and over again, and I will keep reminding myself that I am here, in the moment, and it is real.

John Bonnaque is a regular contributor. He has written highly readable pieces on sexually transmitted diseases, the science of aging, an awesome threesome, the thrill of the chase, the readership of Rockit Reports, the future of sex, women’s enjoyment of anal sex, his personal experience at Hunny Bunny Massage in Bangkok, and a tale of too many women.


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