HomeEntertainmentStar Porn StarInterview with the owner of Hot Guys Fuck

Interview with the owner of Hot Guys Fuck

I – and many others – would consider the 1970’s to be the golden age of porn. Yet the porn industry arguably hit its zenith in the 1990’s. With the launch of VHS and DVD home media and less restrictive regulations, commercial porn was earning major money during that period. Porn stars like Jenna Jameson were household names. And household names like Pamela Anderson were doing porn.

More people were talking about porn in public than ever. Yet at the same time the common refrain heard from many women was that the guys in porn videos were all quite unattractive. Now I am not one to judge. But when a guy called the hedgehog was probably the most famous male porn star of the time, the ladies obviously had a point.

Once internet porn took over the number of guys like The Minion seem to have thinned out in the industry as a whole. Though the idea of male porn stars having hairy backs and pornstaches remains. It is against that backdrop that the website Hot Guys Fuck was created.

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The idea behind Hot Guys Fuck is simple. Attractive guys fuck women. It is recorded and viewers can watch clips of the footage on the tube sites or get all access with a membership to the Hot Guys Fuck website.

Since I am not sexually attracted to men myself I could hardly be considered an arbiter of male attractiveness. I leave that to the professionals. Though I do have to say I am pleased that few of the “hot guys” featured on Hot Guys Fuck are packing overly large penises. This should give at least some glimmer of hope to the average to moderately hung among us. Apparently you don’t have to be hung like a horse to be considered a hot guy.

I failed to bring this subject up when I had a chat with the owner of Hot Guys Fuck. But I was able to ask quite a few other questions. The results can be found below.

Through a series of interviews and other writings published over the last 10 years I may have in some small way helped to dispel the myth of “the death of porn” that was supposed to have come along with internet piracy and sites like MindGeeek’s PornHub. Though these days more people seem to cry out about the supposed overabundance of pornography than the lack of new adult productions.

As you will see the subject of this particular interview was not the most talkative of the many people in the sex industry I have had the pleasure to interview over the last ten years. But I still think that his answers are enjoyable, entertaining and educational to read. I hope you will agree.

How did you get into the porn industry?

I started as an adult solo model in 2006.

When did you first see porn?

I was maybe eight or nine years of age.

How did you get the idea for Hot Guys Fuck?

A model randomly brought back a girl from the mall. He asked if we could film her, and Hot Guys Fuck was started.

What kind of people buy memberships at the site?

Men, Women. Everyone loves HGF.

I have noticed that all of the guys in your videos wear rubbers. Is that due to a legal requirement or just for safety?

We no longer use rubbers. All our videos are now raw.

What do you think is the best scene you’ve done so far? What’s the most popular?

Kyle Dean and Stacy Perkins.

What is the most difficult thing about running the site?

The logistics.

Where do you find models to be in the videos? Some of the women are very good looking!

They contact us.

Is it possible to make a living by running a porn site these days? How do the tube sites come in to play?

Only the top one percent can do it. In most cases making adult content is no longer an “only gig”.

What about sites like OnlyFans?

It is a great disruption. I appreciate innovation.

For years people have been talking about the supposed death of porn. Yet it seems like there is more porn being produced now than there ever was. What do you think about this?

Porn is needed. We need a new payment gateway to bring adult back. Centralized systems will be the adult killer if anything.

Some western countries like Iceland have actually banned porn. Do you think something like that could ever happen in the United States?

It’s a crazy world. Anything is possible.

Thanks so much for agreeing to do this interview. Is there anything else you’d like to say the readers?

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