HomeEntertainmentMovie and VideoThe Absurdity of Cocaine Bear: A Joyous and Gore-filled Ride

The Absurdity of Cocaine Bear: A Joyous and Gore-filled Ride

As a seasoned critic of Hollywood, I can confidently say that Cocaine Bear is the epitome of a film that unabashedly revels in its own absurdity. This picture, with a title that boldly announces its outlandish premise, delivers on its promise of frivolous entertainment. The movie does not take itself seriously, and it’s all the better for it. Despite the carnage that ensues, which is on par with some of the finest horror flicks out there, Cocaine Bear maintains a lighthearted tone that ensures the audience is never bogged down by heavy-handed seriousness.One particular death scene caught me off guard, and I couldn’t help but erupt in raucous laughter. The film had me cheering and clapping along with every passing moment, and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the experience it provided.


Cocaine Bear is a welcome addition to the canon of outrageous films that celebrate their own ridiculousness. It is the perfect choice for those who seek a joyous and uproarious ride that never takes itself too seriously.


In 1985, a black bear weighing 175 pounds, known as the Cocaine Bear, Pablo Eskobear, or Cokey the Bear, died from a fatal cocaine overdose in northern Georgia. The cocaine had been dropped by drug smugglers in Tennessee, and the bear had consumed a large amount of the drug from the jettisoned containers, which contained about 75 pounds of cocaine valued at $20 million. The bear’s stomach was “literally packed to the brim with cocaine,” according to Dr. Kenneth Alonso, the chief medical examiner from the Georgia State Crime Lab. It was estimated that the bear had absorbed only 3 to 4 grams of cocaine into its bloodstream at the time of its death.

After its death, Dr. Alonso had the bear taxidermized and gave it to the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, but it disappeared until it surfaced again in a pawn shop. Eventually, it ended up at the “Kentucky for Kentucky Fun Mall” in Lexington, where it is still displayed today. However, there have been allegations that the bear kept in Lexington is not the same bear that died in Georgia, as the original bear was in a state of decomposition, although the mall maintains that it is the same bear.

The Cocaine Bear’s owners claim that it has the authority to officiate legally binding weddings in the mall due to Kentucky’s marriage laws, but this claim is only partly true. The bear does not have the authority to solemnize weddings, but the state of Kentucky cannot invalidate marriages performed by unqualified persons if the parties believe that the person marrying them has the authority to do so. Thus, it is a belief in the Cocaine Bear’s authority that allows it to officiate legally binding weddings in Kentucky.

The Cocaine Bear inspired the 2023 horror comedy thriller film Cocaine Bear. Its unusual story has become a part of pop culture and continues to capture people’s imagination.

Film adaptation

On March 9, 2021, Universal Pictures announced that a film, Cocaine Bear, would be directed by Elizabeth Banks.[14] The film takes significant liberties—while the events which occurred between the bear’s ingestion of cocaine and its death are not known, the bear is not known to have caused any deaths, unlike the film portrayed. The film was released on February 24, 2023

By wikipedia.org