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I Want my New Drug

The first time I heard about chemtrails was when I watched Lana Del Rey’s weird-ass video for the song Chemtrails Over the Country Club.

That video was strange and, in hindsight, it had absolutely nothing to do with chemtrails at all. Actually, I think I heard Alex Jones mention it once or twice in one of his multiple unhinged rants, so I paid it no mind.

Chemtrails is a full-blown conspiracy theory and the people who believe it is certain that the U.S. government is engaged in dissipating harmful toxins to the population by commissioning pilots to release chemicals over the country, making it look like contrails – those are the white cloud-like lines that remain in the air after a plane as flown by.

Why is the government doing this? Why else? To control the mind of the masses along with the weather and anything else these evil bastards can think of.

Are you with me so far? If this seems far-fetched and ridiculous to you, I don’t blame you. However, the U.S. government has often been caught running ethically and morally questionable secret programs. For instance, the war on drugs, which oppressed leftists (hippies) along with Black and Hispanic communities during the Nixon era. Or spying on U.S. citizens after 9/11, which was leaked to the masses by whistle-blower Edward Snowden.

Programs like that have created a sense of mistrust between the American people and their government. That trust was never rebuilt and is on very shaky ground. The Trump presidency exacerbated that mistrust and they should have trademarked the term “fake news”. But we’re getting sidetracked here … Back to Chemtrails.

How’d we get to this point? Before we call people who believe in chemtrails a bunch of ridiculous names and lump them in with flat earth enthusiasts, anti-vaxxers, and Qanoon promoters, let’s examine why anyone would or could believe in such a phenomenon.


The chemtrail conspiracy theory gained some ground in the 1990s when people started believing that the U.S., Canadian and British governments were taking part in an initiative to spray their respective populations with toxic metals like barium to pacify and control the population. Essentially, they wanted everyone to stop having children and follow the government rules at all times.

Why would anyone believe that? Because the U.S. and British governments actually did something like it in the past.

Exhibit A

In 1950, the U.S military conducted a test in San Francisco, California where they sprayed a chemical agent from a ship to measure the effects of a bio-weapon attack on a populated area.

Operation Sea-Spray was a 1950 U.S. Navy secret biological warfare experiment in which Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigi bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California, in order to determine how vulnerable a city like San Francisco may be to a bioweapon attack.  More

They sprayed bacteria in the air and then ran several tests to gauge how the bacteria spread. The bacteria in question, Serratia marcescens, was thought to be harmless, but the military was proven wrong when 11 people checked into the hospital complaining of urinary tract infections. One of the 11 patients was recovering from prostate surgery and died because of the symptoms inflicted by the bacteria. Given that this took place in 1950 and information didn’t spread as fast as it does now, the U.S. military and government didn’t have to answer for that man’s death. The experiment and the man’s death only became public knowledge in 1976.

The U.S. military continued its germ warfare experiments until President Richard Nixon put an end to them2 in 1969.

Exhibit B

Britain also ran secret germ warfare experiments between 1940 and 1979 to determine whether the

The British population could withstand a chemical attack from Russia. Between 1955 and 1963, the British Ministry of Defense secretly dropped huge amounts of zinc cadmium over the population thinking it was harmless, but the parents who had children born with birth defects (like cerebral palsy) begged to differ. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the only chemical they dropped onto the population. Although no one lost their lives in these trials, the consequences may have been more harmful than anyone imagined.

FOI release
Chemtrails and contrails

Response to a request for information on the confusion between contrails that naturally occur from aircraft exhaust and chemtrails.


Now that you know this information, the idea of chemtrails becomes more believable, doesn’t it? If the government did it multiple times in the past, why wouldn’t they do it again? And with all these viruses and diseases like swine flu, SARS, and Covid-19 appearing out of thin air (no pun intended), is it still so far-fetched to believe that the government has a hand to play in this?

On top of all that, there have been some rumors that scientific organizations and the government are engaging in solar geoengineering, which is the practice of releasing chemicals in the air to trigger solar radiation, which would reflect sunlight back into space and reverse the impacts of climate change. Have they not seen Snow piercer?

Chemtrail Poisons are Ruining Your Health from Above, and You may Not Know

You may Not Know

If aluminum deodorants and anti-perspirants aren’t good for us, how can chemtrails being sprayed in our neighborhoods be benign? Geo-engineering, otherwise known as chemtrails, have been exposed by numerous alternative news outlets, reporters, and documentaries such as What in the World Are They Spraying? In this important piece of social activism, we can learn how we are being sprayed with huge amounts of aluminum, strontium, and barium, among with other health-wreaking chemicals against our will, and without our consent.

Chemtrails: Confirmed and Denied

The government continues to lie to us about the existence of weather-ownership via geo-engineering, but Congress is planning to legalize Bills like Senate Bill 1807 and U.S. House Bill 3445, along with the Climate Security Act (Also known as the Lieberman-Warner bill, bill number S. 2191 ) which was not passed in 2007 when it was introduced, but is up for a vote again.

On the surface it looks smart and snappy – a greenhouse gas reduction bill to reduce emissions to below 2005 levels, however, Rosalind Peterson explains the true malicious intent behind these bills:

“These bills are designed to sell out the health and welfare of the people of the United States in order to establish a national and international Cap & Trade Money Market Scheme, and under Section 6E …initiate programs to ‘mitigate’ the impacts of any unavoidable global climate change … These bills have nothing to do with ‘Climate Security.’ They are designed to fleece the American people out of billions of their tax dollars to support a questionable ‘market scheme of carbon trading’ by selling ’emission allowances’ to polluters to allow them to pollute more in the future.”

Just one of the chemicals being sprayed profusely in chemtrails, aluminum, causes all sorts of health problems. The chemical attacks the nervous system, primarily, and cause everything from disturbed sleep, nervousness, emotional instability, memory loss, headaches, and impaired even impaired intellect. Whether this is an intentional or accidental side effect of chemtrails spraying remains to be uncovered.

Soil and water samples are being tested at the top of Mt. Shasta, California, and in Siskiyou County, for example, and the aluminum levels are high enough to kill a moose. The levels are “off the charts” with the highest reading so far at 4,610 times the maximum contaminate level for drinking water in the sunny state. A recent snow sample taken form Ski Bowl on Mt. Shasta showed 61,000 ug/L, 61 times the maximum contaminant level for aluminum in drinking water.

Read: Chemtrails: Obvious Overhead Pollutants Ignored

Even the minimal use of aluminum deodorants and anti-perspirants can cause the back up of lymph nodes – fluids aren’t able to move through the body and cause breakouts along the temples and neck. Prolonged exposure to aluminum at high levels, such as those being sprayed across the sky, can also cause:

  • Brain degeneration
  • Impede the bodies ability to digest calcium, phosphorous and fluoride.
  • Prevent bone growth and lessens bone density.
  • Cause aching muscles
  • Speech problems
  • Anemia
  • Digestive issues
  • Impaired liver function
  • Impaired kidney function
  • Colic in babies

Barium is also a chemical being found in heavily sprayed areas. According to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention, (CDC):

“Ingestion of certain forms of barium (e.g., barium carbonate or barium fluoride) in toxic amounts can lead to gastrointestinal signs and symptoms (e.g., vomiting, abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea). Within 1–4 hours of ingestion, profound hypokalemia and generalized muscle weakness can develop which may progress to paralysis of the limbs and respiratory muscles. Severe hypokalemia induced by barium toxicity can cause ventricular dysrhythmias (1-7).”

In addition to exposure to aluminum and barium, we are also being poisoned with Strontium-90. While this statement may take your breath away – chemtrails are taking your breath away.

Strontium-90 is used as a radioactive tracer in medical studies and in studies of agricultural crops. It is also used in beacons for navigating, remote weather stations and space vehicles. Strontium-90 is used in electron tubes to treat eye diseases and as a radiation source in industrial thickness gauges, but it was never meant to be inhaled, or consumed through water and soil.

If this compound dissolves in water, the chemical will dissolve in the moist surface inside the lungs. Strontium will then enter the blood quickly. If the chemical form of strontium does not dissolve in water easily, a small amount may remain in the lungs. Health problems can develop including lowered red blood cell counts including anemia, which causes excessive tiredness, blood that does not clot properly, and a decreased resistance to fight disease.

We need to start detoxing these chemicals being dumped on our heads every day. Stratospheric aerosol spraying, also called geo-engineering, or chemtrails, are not good for anyone’s health. When coupled with GMO monopolies, non-organic foods, the consideration by the US government to forcibly make us take vaccines, and the push for ever more pharmaceuticals instead of natural treatments, it is anyone’s guess what is really going on at the top.

 By:Natural Society



There is no concrete evidence that supports the claim that chemtrails exist.

There is information showing you how condensation trails (or contrails) are formed and that the fact that they remain in the air longer is not because of chemicals, but because of humidity and other weather-related factors many of which are listed on this website.

There’s also the fact that Edward Snowden, a former CIA whistleblower who leaked thousands of documents outlining shady government behavior, went through all the files he could and didn’t find a single one about chemtrails. He even said as much when he was on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

If the government enlisted hundreds of commercial and private pilots to cooperate in such a scheme, it would be hard to go forward without having one open their mouth about it and share it on social media.

Finally, there are articles from the Environmental Protection Agency, scientists, investigative journalists, and more who all support the notion that chemtrails are not real, but, who knows?

Hot topic: should I worry about chemtrails? – National Geographic


So, are chemtrails real? I don’t know and it’s not my place to say.  Maybe they are and they’re hiding the evidence really well. Perhaps we’ll only find out in about 20 years when a top-secret report leaks to the press or when we’re all infected with some mysterious disease. Or maybe nothing will happen.

Once again, who knows?

The government doesn’t have a great track record with these things and some conspiracy theories go way too far without enough proof.

All you can do is keep your eyes and ears open and do the proper research to figure things out on your own.

By: Stuart Wiseman

 I want a new drug Huey chemtrail or Ray Contrail

Stuart Wiseman
Stuart Wiseman
Stuart Wiseman is an experienced writer and editor based in Toronto and Buffalo, with over 10 years in the industry. A centrist Democrat, Stuart is known for his insightful commentary and balanced perspective on political and social issues. His work reflects a deep commitment to informing and engaging readers across diverse topics.