HomeNewsBusiness of Sex and PoliticsSex scandals are old as the American revolution

Sex scandals are old as the American revolution

Alexander Hamilton could have been president in 1797


However, his affair with a married woman destroyed his hopes for the American presidency and potentially ruined his reputation along with his career and his family.

The Scandal That Ruined Alexander Hamilton’s Chances of Becoming President – HISTORY

However, these days, it takes more than a sex scandal to ruin a politician’s livelihood. But, before we get into that, I wonder what motivates a person to become a politician?

Is it the desire to change the world for the positive?

The need to give a voice to the unheard? To change years of systemic impropriety for the masses?

No it’s all about money and power.  Most politicians may start off with an idealistic agenda, but they often end up knee-deep in corruption and scandals because when you play with the pigs, you’re going to get muddy. But everyone already knows that most politicians are corrupt, and that the American government is up for grabs to the highest bidders, I mean, donors. These guys have a lot to lose, so why gamble with their career just to get some side action.

Is it that the immense stress and pressure is so big that they need a sexual release that keeps them balanced? Nah. That can’t be it. Or else, Sarah Palin would have had a lineup of men trying to give her a release on a daily basis.

Maybe it’s the notion that money, power and fame are strong aphrodisiacs, and some politicians use that as an advantage to fulfill their sexual desires.  Or it’s just that many politicians are depraved sexual deviants who ran for office to execute some their crazy sexual fantasies. Shit, former Republican Senate candidate.


Mason Cawthorn


Exposed the fucked-up things that Washington politicians are into like drugs and orgies. None of Cawthorn claims can be verified (for obvious reasons), but based on some reactions, he may not be all that wrong. You’re here reading this because, just like me, even though you don’t understand how or why politicians always get caught up in sex scandals, it’s always fun to hear about them, so here are some of the most notable ones.

Madison Cawthorn Exposed GOP With Orgy, Drug Claims: Ex-Senate Candidate (newsweek.com)


Mark Sandford – Republican Governor of South Carolina

Republican Mark Sanford Announces Run Against Trump, Gets Grilled About…

This motherfucker has some balls.

In June 2009, Sanford took taxpayer money and booked a trip to Argentina to visit his girlfriend. The problem was that he didn’t tell anyone where he was going, so his family thought he was missing for 6 days, even though one of his staffers claimed he was hiking in the Appalachian trails. Once Sandford reemerged, he came clean about the affair.

Here’s the thing though, he did not resign, and he was reelected … more than once. And he faced very little consequence.

Mark Sanford’s Scandal-Proof Formula: The Party Trumps the Sex, Every Time (yahoo.com)



Tiny pen Anthony Weiner – Democratic U.S. Congressman

This guy is a little different

Although he claims to never have had a relationship with any woman he contacted on the internet, there was undeniable evidence that Weiner (using the username Carlos Danger) texted sexually suggestive and inappropriate photos of himself to multiple women and minors (one of which was a 15-year-old girl).

His indecency caught up with him, which resulted in many women working with investigators and the media to bring him down.

He was investigated by the FBI and ended up being sentenced to 21 months in federal prison for his crimes.

Fun fact: One of his accusers, Sydney Leathers, wound up doing a little bit of porn for naughtyamerica.com.



Donald Trump – Former President of the United States

Teflon Don.

In 2006, Donald had an affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels. There’s no surprise that Trump could and would cheat on his wife. I mean, it wasn’t his first wife, and it wasn’t the first time that he was publicly caught cheating.

However, when he decided to run for president in 2016, things changed. Trump’s legal team tried to sanitize his reputation (for some reason) and having an affair with a porn star would’ve been viewed negatively. Therefore, Trump’s lawyer/fixer, Michael Cohen, made Daniels sign a non-disclosure agreement in exchange for $130,000. This would have been fine if Trump’s team didn’t use campaign funds for the pay off, which violated federal campaign finance laws.

But no one cared about broken laws. People were intrigued by the taboo nature of the affair with a porn star and, furthermore, they wanted to know all they could about it from Stormy Daniels. Here’s how Stormy puts it in her own words.

Original 60 Minutes Stormy Daniels interview: Full video and transcript of Anderson Cooper discussing Daniels’ alleged Donald Trump affair – CBS News

Bitch Stormy Daniels must pay $300k to Donald Trump after losing defamation case appeal

“I will go to jail before I pay a penny,” the adult film actor tweeted after an appeals court ruled against her.
Stormy Daniels speaks in Berlin on Oct. 11, 2018.

Stormy Daniels speaks in Berlin on Oct. 11, 2018.Ralf Hirschberger / picture alliance via Getty Images

March 22, 2022, 5:36 PM UTC / Updated March 22, 2022, 8:53 PM UTC

Adult film star Stormy Daniels has lost her appeal in her failed defamation suit against Donald Trump — leaving her owing almost $300,000 in legal fees to the former president.

“I will go to jail before I pay a penny,” Daniels tweeted Monday after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against her in the long-running case.

Trump hailed the ruling by the appeals court, which he often bashed as president, calling it “a total and complete victory and vindication for, and of me.”

Michael Avenatti filed the defamation suit against Trump in 2018, when he was Daniels’ lawyer. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, said in a statement Tuesday that Avenatti had filed the suit “without my permission and against my wishes.”

Once it was filed, Trump’s lawyers overwhelmed Avenatti and I was left the victim of an attorney’s fee award,” she added, calling it a “sad reality” that a “predator” like Trump “can openly brag about assaulting women and become president and be awarded money for his bad behavior.  In the end, this didn’t affect anyone negatively, except maybe for Melania Trump. More





Cigar Scandal?  the best blow job at the white House. 

Videos Business Insider


Cigar Scandal? Best blowjobs a name to remember  Monica

If we put these juicy scandals aside, the one scandal that keeps coming back to mind even after nearly 25 years is the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal. Why? It led to one of only three impeachment hearings in American history.

Here’s a brief rundown of the events.

In 1995, at the fresh age of 21, Monica Lewinsky started working for Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff, Leon Panetta, around 3 years into Clinton’s first term and the Clinton re-election campaign.

They began a secret sexual relationship that would have been kept secret if Clinton wasn’t under investigation for his ties to Whitewater, a shady real estate venture. Linda Tripp, a Pentagon office employee who was helping the whitewater investigation, became friends with Lewinsky and recorded hours of conversations in which Lewinsky would expose details of her relationship with Bill Clinton.

On top of Whitewater, Clinton was also being investigated for sexual harassment claims made by white house staffer, Paula Jones.

Somehow both investigations joined forces to destroy Clinton’s squeaky-clean image and deflate the effects of his southern charm. When Clinton was made aware that he was the defendant in a sexual harassment case, he denied everything – the relationship with Lewinsky, the serial sexual harassment acts … everything.

Once all the evidence was at hand and made public (including the infamous blue dress with Clinton’s man juice), the impeachment process began, and Clinton finally admitted to the affair with Lewinsky. Clinton was acquitted and, to this day, the American people view him positively and his legacy stands.

For a more detailed version of the events, there’s a Time.com article that provides an accurate timeline of the scandal and the investigation.

Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky Scandal—Timeline of Key Moments | Time

What Can We Learn About the Clinton/Lewinsky Scandal


1. Power is a Drug 

And just like any drug too much of it clouds your judgement and triggers shameful behavior.

As President of the United States, Clinton was the leader of the free world and, as such, there are very few things that he couldn’t get away with. His wit, good looks and charm helped disarm people and he probably never faced rejection by anyone.

I’m sure he was inappropriate with the female interns and staffers because he knew he would get away with it and, if it weren’t for the Whitewater investigation, no one would have ever found out about Monica Lewinsky.

Power made him think he was invincible and that there was nothing he could not get away with. His life was probably like a porn scene at times. He would just show up in front of a Clinton fan girl, unzip and enjoy himself.

A lot of famous men who get that kind of treatment from groupies usually assume that any woman who smiles in their general direction is willing to give them a blow job. That’s why they always seem baffled when they’re accused. “Harassment?! But she smiled at me?”

In porn, men have the power. It’s usually the male fantasy that gets fulfilled, not the other way around. The problem is that life is not at all like porn and, if you’re not careful, your power tripping dick will make you lose everything.

2. Lewinsky Received ALL the Blame

Lewinsky was called everything from a homewrecking whore to a young seductress. Given that she was the less powerful person in the equation, she became an easy target.

She got a ton of shit because she was very cute. Both men and women hated on her. Well, women hated on Monica, and men pretended to while they secretly fantasized that they could have a few minutes in the oval office with her. Jealousy and envy are what fueled America’s focused hatred of Monica Lewinsky.

I feel like if she was ugly, no one would have cared. They wouldn’t have put her face on every screen and newspaper if she wasn’t much to look at.

No one cared about the sexual harassment claims or the Whitewater investigation or any other shady Clinton deal. All people cared about was the pretty little brunette who almost derailed the government. People are always quick to defend the president and what the title represents, so Monica was Clinton’s ultimate scapegoat and Bill did very little to defend her reputation. It was either him or her, so he saved himself and let Monica get eaten up by wolves.

This scandal essentially ruined Monica’s life. That’s all she’s known for and all she will ever be known for: the woman who went down on Bill Clinton. Shit, even Hilary doesn’t have that reputation.

For all we know, Clinton used his power and influence to seduce Lewinsky and put her in a position where saying “No” was not an option. I mean, I don’t know. (I didn’t read her book, but I plan to. One day.)

Other than that, there isn’t much to learn about this scandal. Clinton wasn’t the first politician to behave this way and he sure as shit won’t be the last one. However, keep in mind that it’s not because you have power that you get to do whatever you want, but that won’t stop politicians from sticking their dicks where it doesn’t belong and trying to lie about after the fact.

Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal 20 years on: Where are all the …
Linda Tripp, who befriended Lewinsky while the two worked in the Pentagon beginning in April 1996, became a confidant of Lewinsky’s and recorded hours of phone conversations about the Clinton More

By: Newsweek

What Is the Infamous Monica Lewinsky Cigar Scandal?

Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton

Getty Monica Lewinsky’s story is reexamined in “Impeachment: American Crime Story.”

“Impeachment: American Crime Story” aims to paint a more nuanced portrait of the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky sex scandal and the resulting impeachment process.

As the center of a salacious national news story, Lewinsky endured public shaming at the hands of the press. Today, she is an anti-bullying social activist. Her TED Talk, “The Price of Shame,” has more than 12 million views on YouTube.

Lewinsky is an executive producer of “Impeachment: American Crime Story.” According to an NPR review, some of the titillating details that the press fixated on in the late ’90s are missing from the television series. There are “only passing references to that blue dress” and no sex scenes – especially none with cigars.  More



Written by: Stuart Wiseman

Stuart Wiseman
Stuart Wiseman
Stuart Wiseman is an experienced writer and editor based in Toronto and Buffalo, with over 10 years in the industry. A centrist Democrat, Stuart is known for his insightful commentary and balanced perspective on political and social issues. His work reflects a deep commitment to informing and engaging readers across diverse topics.