HomeTaleBad girls5 Things Bitch Can Get Away With that Men Can't

5 Things Bitch Can Get Away With that Men Can’t

There are certain roles that we need to assume to keep a certain balance in our relationships.
A few decades ago, men were the sole providers, protectors and figures of power while women were the nurturers and caregivers.
Those days are dead and gone.
Women aren’t taking anybody’s shit these days. And that’s cool because the gender roles established long ago do not work for everyone in today’s society.  
Both men and women have redefined their roles because of … hum … let’s call it “society’s evolution” or whatever.
I’ve noticed that this so-called redefinition of these roles has granted women certain liberties that men can’t take part in without putting their balls, manhood and self-respect at risk.
The following is a list of what women can do and men simply can’t.
Women can get away with:
1. Choosing when and where to have sex
How so?
Well, everyone knows that women use sex as a weapon. Why do they do it? Because vagina is every male’s kryptonite. It makes us weak and lowers our ability to think. That’s how women capitalize. 
Another way to explain it is supply and demand, people. Vagina is in high demand; penis … not so much. Women know that men want what they have and that men will do pretty much anything to get it. Who wouldn’t take advantage of that power?
Why can’t men do it?
Chances are you can’t hold out as long as she can. Plus, for some inexplicable reason, when women don’t want to have sex … everything is fine; when men don’t want to have sex, the relationship’s in trouble. You’re either cheating or no longer attracted to her anymore.
2. Going out with no money

How so?


Women know that men crave their presence and that they are willing to do a lot of thing to keep them close, whether or not it leads to sex in the long run. With that in mind, women know that if they get invited to dinner or go to a bar, they can leave well-fed and tipsy by looking pretty and desirable.
Why can’t men do it?
Nobody gives a shit about men. If you walk around thinking you can smile and bat your eyelashes to get something free, you’ll either get punched or go to jail.
3. Criticizing / Telling you what to do
How so? 
Well, a lot of women think that they know more than men and it’s because men tend to do a lot of reckless and irresponsible shit.
Some guys do need a woman to tell them what to do. They aren’t necessarily happy in their relationships, but they stay with the girl because they can’t picture getting along without her. Not only that but when you were growing up your mother ran the house. Your dad had his few areas of expertise, but Mommy usually kept the show running.
So, women feel that they can tell you what to do because generally they know better … their tone will make you believe whatever comes out of their mouths even when they’re horribly wrong.
Why can’t men do it?
Because you’re not her daddy, and they’re not taking advice from a guy who wears the same socks three days in a row without thinking twice about it. I mean, you did smell them before putting them on.
4. Having a bad attitude for no reason
How so?
Women kind of have to be bitchy; That’s how they maintain respect and keep creeps at a distance. You would be bitchy too if you were trying to get home and 5 random dudes keep trying to holler at you, hold your hand and get your number.
The reason why they need to be bitchy is because it stops us in our tracks. When they try to be polite, most men mistake it as interest or attraction and keep harassing women. 
However, some women go too far. They don’t know how to turn off the attitude and then they become needlessly aggressive.
She can verbally abuse you and curse you out. Why? Because men should be able take it … well, women believe men are supposed to take it and walk away.
Why can’t men do it?
Well, you can but the difference is someone will smack that attitude out of you real quick. Some guys forget that they can get knocked out for being an asshole.
5. Cry
How so?
I’m not a doctor, but I’ve heard that women have hormones that make them more emotional and sensitive than men, which makes them more prone to crying. I’m not sure if that’s true, but, in my experience, women have a tendency to cry more than their male counterparts.

Why can’t men do it?


No matter how often you hear that it is okay for men to cry and show emotion, that’s not true. You should be able to cry if you need to, but if you’re going to cry, do it in private.

There is nothing endearing about a sobbing man, especially if it’s for something that isn’t serious. Sorry, but it’s true. People will start treating you like you’re weak.

You have to be Thor or Jason Momoa to cry and still be viewed as manly.

FYI: There is a BIG difference between shedding a few tears and sobbing uncontrollably.

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Written by Stuart Wiseman
Stuart Wiseman
Stuart Wiseman
Stuart Wiseman is an experienced writer and editor based in Toronto and Buffalo, with over 10 years in the industry. A centrist Democrat, Stuart is known for his insightful commentary and balanced perspective on political and social issues. His work reflects a deep commitment to informing and engaging readers across diverse topics.